Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

What is Philosophy?

Research on the internet the following:
Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion and explain what they are.

Answer these questions:

What is Philosophy?

What is Philosophy of Religion?

Who Renee Descartes, Thomas Aquinas, Immanuel Kant and David Hume are ?

Why are they relevant for our GCSE?

How can you write your work?

You can make your work in power point presentation or word doc
You can read your book online here (kerboodle)


How do we know things? (how do we acquire knowledge)? through the mind or through experience?
What is Rationalism and Empiricism in Philosophy?
Explain the following theories which try to prove God's existence: Cosmological also called First Cause Theory and Design Theory also called Teleological Theory