Friday, 26 June 2015

When you don't learn RE...

Monday, 22 June 2015

And you get to know about the problems of factory farms here (Panorama Supermarkets and Factory farms

Monday, 8 June 2015

Animal Rights

Introduction to Classroom Google: Go to and sign up using your school email address!
9RE5 Save your research on Classroom Google code is 3rlreg

9RE4 Save your research on Classroom google code is 7s5pe1

9RE1 Save your research on Classroom Google code is d3rxj0

9RE2 your research on Classroom Google code code is rbpi14p 

Introduction to Y10 GCSE topic: Animal Rights
Research and complete a report on:
What is ethics?
What are human rights?
Do animal have rights?
What are the religious views on it?
Who is Peter Singer? What is argument about animal rights? What is speciecism 
Who Saint Francis? How does he connect to this unit? 

To help you some good links: